From the moment we start school we are taught to prepare for the next level.
The next grade. Then the next level of education—College or University. The next course. Your first job. Your next job. Homeownership. Marriage etc.
But none of these stages prepare you to save money.
Related Post: Why The Education System Should Make Financial Education A Priority.
In my view, we are basically taught to believe that we will be able save money upon completion of the stages.
For example, we will start saving when the mortgage is paid off, or when the kids move out of the house or what have you.
You know what, though? We’ll never start saving money. Our chances are slim, to tell you the truth.
It won’t happen because saving money is not a habit, and because we will fail to reach that magical level where it gets easy. That level doesn’t exist.
The Tradeoff With The Next Level Mentality
The reason that the next level mentality is broken is that it fails to accomplish anything.
It makes everything temporary, unfulfilling and focuses too much on what is required to reach the next level instead of moving towards something meaningful.
There is no mastery. It’s not like working on a blog and slowly improving year by year. It is doing what is required then forgetting what was learned the next year.
Worst of all, it doesn’t amount to anything life changing. It could result in higher income, but without savings, it is still a hamster wheel lifestyle.
Make Saving Money Your Career
Saving money is tangible proof that you advanced during the time you spent at a job
If a lower income earner saved more than a higher income earner in a given year, I believe that the lower income earner is the more successful person that year.
I know it goes against the status quo and the appalling way we look at money. But that’s what I truly believe.
Therefore, if you believe in this concept, you should view saving money as your career. Your job is to retain earnings while you work at various jobs. Not the other way around. In short, the goal is to be ahead financially regardless of the job.
Money is the thing
At the end of the day a career is about making money. This is why it is important to save money on any income, and why it is also important to do a good job.
Money is what will pay for your family. That’s what matters most.
Money will pay for the house and car you want. Money will fund your hobbies and interests. It will provide your memorable experiences and traveling.
It gives you more time to spend with friends and family. And money is how you will fund your retirement, early or not.
All the different roles are short term learning experiences in your life. They’re basically no different than the grades in school in my opinion.
What matters is that you retain earnings during each level.
Pay Yourself first
The best way I know to make your career about saving money is to pay yourself first.
Related post: 5 Rules To Save Money on Any Income
Have you ever noticed that you always find a way to survive regardless of how much income you earn?
When I first got to Toronto I was earning $32,000 per year with more expenses than I have now. I had a car and was paying insurance at that time. But somehow I still managed to get by and save money by paying myself first.
There really is nothing else to be said. Just save money!!
When you get paid money, take 10% of it and put it in a separate account. It’s really that simple. Just pretend it doesn’t exist after that.
Allow me to say it again, if you want to save money, just pay yourself first before you buy anything else. Even before you pay bills.
Trust me, you’ll find a way to get by and soon enough it won’t even seem like your spending changed.
Define The Goal Behind the Savings (the real reason you want to advance)
The reason why I save money is because it will help me reach financial independence.
Since I know how happy I would be spending my time blogging and investing, I am motivated to save money so I can do that. My savings has a purpose.
As such, your money must have a purpose to make saving money your career too. Otherwise, you will not be happy.
Obviously, it doesn’t have to be blogging and investing like me. It could be travel, starting a business or any other reason.
Concluding Thoughts — Saving Money Wins
If you have a defined purpose for your savings and pay yourself first, you are already winning.
You gain personal fulfilment through having a purpose, and you will have money saved for whatever happens.
Related post: View Yourself As A Business To Save Money
In addition, you gain power with every dollar saved since money is time. The more of it you have, the more flexible your lifestyle can be.
In summary, money is the main reason we work so retaining it should be more of a focal point.
If the goal of a career is switched to saving money instead of the next level mentality, you can advance every year by paying yourself first and by increasing the amount you save annually.
Ultimately, this is meant to be a reminder to save money and to pay yourself first. In my view, money saved is tangible proof that you advanced. It’s even better if it’s invested for the long term.
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