Life is slowly working its way back to normal, which makes me worry about the writing.
You see, when it comes to creative writing, discomfort is the lighter fluid to my fire. I’ve always been able to write myself out of a corner.
In fact, miserable happenings breed creativity for me.
So with that in mind, I’ve been slightly concerned about losing the edge I’ve become accustom to within the writing.
Sure, I can always pump out posts on social media, dividend investing, and blogging. And I certainly will!
But I prefer to approach it like I’ve got a chip on my shoulder. It’s gotta be done with originality, otherwise what’s the point?
I’d rather keep it fun than end up another complacent cog. See, there’s that edge I was talking about…
It’s all speculative at the moment, but what if being in a new environment brings about complacency again?
What if I fall back into the tightwad ways of the past? Maybe I’ll start saying no to friends again to save an extra dollar. Perhaps I’ll become too comfortable and eliminate the blog altogether…NOT.
I think maintaining originality should be of more significant value to companies because you’ll get the employee’s best work.
So, with that short anti conformist speech in mind, here are 9 ways to maintain originality no matter the environment.
[bctt tweet=”9 Ways To Maintain Your Originality No Matter The Environment” username=”reversethecrush”]Know Your Values
Probably the most important thing to remember is to always know what you are working towards.
It’s easy to get sidetracked without having that longterm view of the lifestyle you want.
Everything you do should fit in with your own life vision.
Your job should help build skills that enhance your chances of becoming successful in the field you most enjoy.
The friends and people surrounding you should be supportive and supplementary to your desired lifestyle.
Knowing the end makes it a lot easier to put the puzzle together.
Get Better Influences
To put it bluntly, spend time with people you want to be like.
You can’t spend the majority of your time in a smothering environment and then expect to grow into the person you want to be.
Music Everyday
Music is my lifeblood and I’m not kidding.
I’m not sure why it matters so much, but it’s almost as though I need to listen for an hour or two every day.
So much of my energy and mood is derived from music.
Extroverts derive energy from being around other people and I get it from being alone with Apple Music.
I also think music is strongly linked to memory. I don’t know about you, but I literally remember certain periods in my life by the albums that were released.
This strong link to memory is a great way to stay authentic to who you are.
Be Original From The Get Go
It’s a test the moment you’ve entered a new environment.
No matter if you are meeting new friends or new co-workers, you’re being sized up in the early going.
The most important thing to remember in the early stages is to let people know the real you. You’ve gotta represent, if you will.
It’s a fresh opportunity to be perceived exactly the way you want to be.
It’s similar to travelling actually. Have you ever noticed how being in a new country changes you?
You have no influences and all of the preconceived notions are non-existent.
(*Warning* – What you are about to read is extremely random)
In fact, that’s when I got back to wearing hats.
You see, I used to wear a perfectly curved baseball cap religiously when I was younger.
But I stopped around 14 because I got into hair gel (don’t judge me, it was the 90’s).
I got tired of adults asking me why I wear my hat in the house.
However, the moment I got to Costa Rica, my concerns began to fade.
I picked up a Miami Heat hat at the Miami airport to prevent the sun from burning my extremely pale skin.
But it triggered something else. I realized I liked hats and that I could be perceived which ever way I wanted.
Sounds crazy right? I was not comfortable wearing hats because of the opinion of others.
Anyways, the point is to get others to see you for who you really are. Being original will make others enjoy your company a hell of a lot more too.
I don’t know about you, but for me, exercise is a major key to life.
It just makes everything better. Your mood, health, energy, and confidence all improve from the gym.
That said, I need to get more consistent with it because I tend to work out in waves.
I go really hard for a week or two straight then falter for an equivalent period of time. At least I can always rely on guilt to set in.
It’s a reoccurring pattern in my life that needs to be adjusted.
Nevertheless, exercise is certainly a way to stay true to yourself.
The sheer fact that you put in the extra work alone will make you feel better.
Clothes will fit better and you’ll enjoy the mirror a little more too.
But mostly, it will give you the confidence to feel good about being yourself.
Don’t Worry What They Say
I’ve been preaching for a while now that it doesn’t matter what other people think. All that matters is the supportive people in your life.
The naysayers simply don’t matter. They will always be there to shed their own insecurities in an effort to bring you down. They don’t think they can do it so they hate seeing other people succeed.
But remember, it’s your life.
You’ll get 80 years on this planet if you’re lucky.
Steve Jobs said it best…
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.”
Create An Outlet
One of the best ways I know to stay true to yourself is to start a creative outlet such as blogging.
What better way is there to determine your values then spending time thinking and writing about them?
I was without a blog during my first stint in the corporate world and I think that’s where I got lost.
I forgot about all the things that are so important to me. Things like writing, reading, music, and social media.
Having a way to express yourself creatively can be the difference maker.
Want to start your own blog or drop the wordpress for your own .com address? This tutorial will help you. If you sign up using my link, you can have your own blog for as low as $3.95/month through Bluehost. You’ll get FREE domain for one year, access to WordPress, and more.
Stay Open Minded
The only way to truly know if you are right is to be open to hearing the opposite perspective. Would you agree?
I wanted to include this point, because in the past year, I’ve learned to never say never.
I was always a dividend growth investor and previously frowned upon trading. But then I day traded for 4 months straight.
Prior to eluding, I thought I was right all the time and had everything figured out. But you know what? I still have a lot to learn.
The point I’m trying to make is that it’s important to stay true to your values, but there’s also something to be said about being open to change. Sometimes there could be a better way, better person, or better lifestyle.
Be Helpful
Helping instead of ridiculing is a great way to build rapport. Offering assistance and being friendly will actually go a long way because it creates an environment of comfort.
Furthermore, an invitational and collaborative atmosphere will make your life easier as well.
Also, when is being helpful bad advice? Do onto others as you would do onto yourself right?
In my opinion, a negative attitude towards others with limit you from being yourself. Nobody will have anything for a hindering person.
It almost comes back to karma, not that it’s a real thing. But I do believe that our reputation precedes us.
It’s not necessarily that karma will come for you, but those around you will remember your actions.
True character can only hide away for so long. People will remember the way you treat others.
Final Thoughts
There’s a lot of changes going on and this post is partially a manifestation of that.
It has also been some time since a good old fashioned Reverse The Crush Listography post was published on the blog.
The other thing I should mention is that I wrote this with the workplace in mind, however, the list could be applied to the classroom or with friends.
In conclusion, it pays to be an original in an ever competitive world. Hopefully this post can serve as a reminder to be yourself.
Questions: Does your career hold back your originality? Are you careful what you say online because of your employer? Is there anything you would add to this list?
Just So You Know
Bluehost – Want to start your own blog? This tutorial will help you. If you sign up using my link, you can have your own blog through Bluehost. You’ll get FREE domain for one year, access to WordPress, and more.
Amazon – Got any shopping to do? Save some time by shopping through my Amazon link. You’ll benefit by getting free shipping on order $25 and over, and I’ll get compensated so I can afford to blog full-time and write more posts 🙂